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Writer's pictureStephanie Murray

Becoming My Crown: Embracing Identity and Divine Purpose


Stephanie means crown. Being called by name meant being called into becoming more than what I imagined for myself. Overtime I grew into my name, and to be honest I’m still growing into my name year by year. A crown, by definition is a headdress worn by a monarch, a symbol of authority or royalty. It’s an emblem of victory, an award given to a champion that imparts splendor. It’s also the part of a plant just above and below the ground that the roots and shoots branch out of, it’s the spreading part of a tree, or plant. It’s also the upper part of a gem, the summit of a mountain, or the top of a steeple. Also the  knob that sets the time and calendar of a watch, is called a crown. 

A majority of my life people could sense there was something different about me. People often have said I was a leader, or a pioneer.  They saw my grace and my tendency to  overcome the sorrows we all face in life. Some even noticed I set the tone and even the  time in which people believed things were possible. My brother Matthew called me a princess of peace. And countless times my community has shared with me that I held a standard and have inspired people who desire to, to grow and develop. 

I never acknowledged these truths myself for many years. Instead I shrank back, I hid my light like it talks about in Matthew 5. In this state of mind I destroyed my identity. I connected to people and did things I would’ve never dreamt of doing. I was so misaligned with God and my true identity. Once I reconnected with God he healed my identity and by God’s grace I began to believe I am a crown. All the various trials, tests, obstacles and heartbreak made sense once I realized they were sent to discourage me from becoming who I was always meant to be.

I have felt the call from God to come up higher, it wasn’t about my own elevation because by nature I feel more comfortable in the number 2 position. I’m a natural encourager and supporter. However, in the kingdom of God being a servant promotes you to leadership. Through agreeing with this call I’ve seen all those around me elevate in different areas of their lives because of my example, they see God in me. My family and friends were close enough to see the transformation God did in my life to create me into a crown. 

I’m a peacemaker. Oftentimes people have witnessed the peace I bring to chaotic or difficult situations. People have been in disagreements and both sides felt comfortable enough to share their side with me. My first instinct is to help people restore their broken relationships with God, themselves and others. Even as a child, adults would have children who were disruptive or fighting come sit with me and they would immediately calm down. I’m drawn to being a bridge to connect people to God and others, especially those who they may not know. I believe in godly community everyone can obtain their highest goals, purposes and callings. My cousin admired when I bought my first house, because it caused her to believe she could do it too. Many individuals have said they won’t say certain things or act in certain ways around me. It’s not because they are putting on, or don’t feel comfortable around me instead it’s because my close relationships are filled with love, trust and honor.

Once I believed I have been blessed with the opportunity to become my name through continuing to grow and develop with God and those he’s placed in my life, I began to embody who he’s called me to be. I’m grateful for my identity and the opportunity to be a light that directs others to God. He is unconditional love and I personally know his love transforms people’s identities and lives because he transformed mine and I’m forever grateful.

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